The spoken word linked to the stone figures

Looking at the photo of the Christ formation from the Kristineberg mine some of you might have noticed that there are more figures in the stones. The total composition on the mine wall can quite amazingly also be linked to words said by Jesus of Nazareth two thousand years ago.

A lamb
The person who first discovered the formation, Mr. Albert Jönsson, also saw a formation of a lamb. Because he had sheep at home he saw the resemblance of two sheep eyes glimmering inside the Christ formation itself. He knew that if a lamp was focused in the night on a herd of sheep their eyes reflected the light back. If you look right on to the shoulder of the Christ formation (as we see on the right in the picture) there is a formation of a small lamb’s head leaning towards the shoulder. Actually it is the whole body of a lamb lying with its legs kneeled in the arm of the Christ figure.

A serpent
Can you see a serpents head in the picture? If the picture is turned up side down you can see that Christ is standing on a serpent’s head. The serpent head is really big and there is also a tongue hanging out of its mouth. It has the form of a human tongue.

Words said by Jesus of Nazareth linked to the Kristineberg mine:
It is written in the book of Luke in the Bible, that Jesus from Nazareth was entering the city of Jerusalem in spring time (around two thousand years ago). The religious elite were really upset and told him to silence the crowd from shouting towards Jesus – Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!!!  People saluted Jesus of Nazareth as a king from God sent to rule. This was due to Jesus works of curing people’s diseases and telling them of Gods kingdom coming to earth, and also that He proclaimed He was the way to God.

Jesus replied to the religious elite: - I tell you that if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. (Bible, Luke 19:40)
This is the first presented words said by Jesus linked to the Kristineberg mine where the stones do cry out a message. And the message is in the next sentence that follows.

- I am the Good Shepherd. (Bible, John 10:11)
This is presented as the second piece said by Jesus from Nazareth linked to the Kristineberg mine.

In the Book of John, Jesus says: – I am the good shepherd. Down in the mine of Kristineberg as mentioned, a lamb is being held in the arm leaning with its head towards the Christ formation's shoulder. Look at the shoulder to your right in the picture.

Jesus made a very central speech to his disciples about him being the good shepherd and that he will lay down his life freely for his followers (his sheep). Jesus’ message here is that he is sent from God and that the world and its peoples are lost and needs help through him. That Jesus will give his life to conquer death and destruction. This will happen through his free will to sacrifice his life for humans. Because of this sacrifice he will be raised from the dead after his death. Death can not hold him. He will have all power in the universe and he will have people follow him and they will start to soaw seeds in the world. These seeds are a message, that we humans can have a better life through Jesus as leader and that he will knock out the evil of the world. The Kingdom of God will win the future. Jesus said that after he has risen from being killed by humans, he will return as King of the world and universe entering on the clouds in the sky. It is described as a cosmic event not an everyday event.

-You will not see Me again until you say Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.(Bible, Matthew 23:39)
The sentence presented above is the third message linked to the Kristineberg mine. It corresponds to the crowd who was shouting (as mentioned before); –Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord and Jesus who said if they’d be silent -…the stones would cry out. Jesus from Nazareth also said and promised:

–You will not see Me again until you say (and mean it); Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

With these words Jesus were describing his return to earth after his death and resurrection from the dead. This is still believed amongst Christ followers today, the return of Jesus.

About the snake head on the stone wall and the Christ formation placed on the serpents head
In the final Book in the Bible, Revelation, it is written that before Jesus returns as King on earth, entering through the sky; the world will be in a disaster and follow Satan the liar and accuser.

Satan will work smart and deceivably through a human world leader, a false messiah and through a total world government system that controls trade and society. The regime will persuade most people, but not all, to get a mark on the hand or on the forehead. This mark is the code that gives access to buy or sell things in the controlled world system. It is written that Jesus tells people not to take the mark on the hand or forehead and to resist the regime, which will lead to a total world war. In the end Jesus Christ returns and saves the human race.

In Revelation Satan also has the name the Old Serpent. (Bible, Revelation 12:9)
Satan is described as a serpent (snake) also in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. The serpent could talk to humans and persuade them to break away from God. Humans had a perfect life and good relationship with God from the beginning. As a result, following Satan’s advice, all humans live in a destructive world.

In Genesis it is written that the serpent will sting the offspring of the woman (Eve) in the foot and that the woman’s *offspring (actually the word *seed is used/the woman’s seed), He will wound the serpents head.
This has been interpreted as Satan (the serpent) who wants to control the world will be injured by Him (Jesus). The offspring of the woman is Jesus and that Jesus will wound the snakes head.

A translation of the stone composition in the mine: Satan will sting Jesus’ foot, this is a symbol of Jesus being killed on the cross. But death can not keep Jesus who will rise from death and defeat the serpent (will wound the serpents head). To wound a head is to wound the central part.  (Bible, Genesis 3:15)
In Kristineberg the Christ figure stands on a serpent head. It is a scene of victory over the snake and a rescue of the lamb in Christ’s arm, a lamb is symbol of a follower of Jesus.

I will mention that a serpent or snake also can represent knowledge and healing in the Bible!
But Satan, the evil force, is described as the Old Serpent that only leads to destruction and pain and who deceives by lies.

There are more things to be told about the Kristineberg mine and stories about the village. This is a basic glimpse of what happened 1946 and also shows biblical verses that actually fit to the stone composition. There is also what is said to be a prophesy about Kristineberg’s mine (said to be around a hundred years old), but it was written down after 1946 and the Kristineberg event. It’s about the end of the world with punishment over all countries, and especially Sweden because of sins committed.

But for me the words that can be linked from the Bible to the stones down in the mine of Kristineberg, with a lamb being rescued from a huge snake by a victorious Christ, is the story the stones tell.

The stone formation in Kristineberg is linked to words said by Jesus and the Bible texts:

-Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
-I tell you that if they keep quiet the stones will cry out.

-I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lay down his life for his sheep. I came that they may have Life and that they may have it more abundantly.

-You won’t see me again until you say blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Satan – called the old serpent. Jesus Christ will defeat Satan and evil.  He, Jesus Christ, will be stung and killed but will rise from the dead and wound the serpents head and kick out evil.

Christ is the ruler in a cosmic world drama because His action of unconditional love.